Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Finding good doctors isn’t always easy but thanks to My live doctors you can find doctors online in Pakistan and get treated from the comfort of your own home!  Using an android app for online doctors is a quick, convenient and cheaper way to find the best doctors online! Experts say that more than 80% of your health problems can easily and effectively be treated remotely.
Online doctors and online health services are rapidly growing in popularity. Over time with advancements in technology, telemedicine has broken down barriers in terms of distance and accessibility. It allows individuals in rural and remote locations to get quality healthcare who otherwise would may not have access to a medical facility nearby.
My Live Doctors

Can I book a GP appointment online?

You might find yourself asking this question ‘can I make a call to my doctor’ and receive treatment for my allergies? Yes! Find best online physician with doctor availability apps such as My live doctors. It will help you find doctors online in Pakistan. You can book a GP appointment online in your region with just a few clicks. All you have to do is download My live doctors, an app to find a doctor on your mobile device or laptop. MyLiveDoctors is one of the best medical apps for patients that is easy to use, quick and efficient! Download the FREE app and follow the easy step by step procedure to register for FREE too!
Once you’ve signed up, skim through a list of qualified and licensed medical practitioners and specialists from different fields of medicine. You can look up your doctor and go through the different profiles and patient reviews too.

Are online health services reliable?

Reliable family healthcare is extremely important, especially with kids around. Most people seek a second opinion and online physicians  can give you the guidance you’re looking for. An online medical consultation can help you make an informed decision. Look up your doctor in your area on a doctor availability app and find doctors online in Pakitan within minutes. The online doctor will be able to treat the flu and other basic, everyday medical problems online too! Telemedicine apps allow a swift exchange of information between doctor and patient. You can engage in an online medical consultation via phone, texts, emails or video call depending upon your condition.

Is it possible to get a prescription online?

Yes, most online doctors are authorized to write e-prescriptions. With rapid advancements in technology, you can get e-prescriptions too! Making quality healthcare widely accessible and affordable is what telemedicine is all about! Patients are now able to access expert medical care around the clock from anywhere in the world. With health apps like MyLiveDoctors and other consumer-friendly tools, people are using their mobile devices and gadgets to monitor and track their health. Doctors and patients both have taken to this proactive approach of using technology to manage healthcare and other medical services. For more details, please visit